The Singapore Statement on Research Integrity

How can we define “Research Ethics”?

Generally, “Research Ethics” denotes the good conduct and honesty of a researcher durring the research process. Many institutions involved in research as well as in regulating research activities, have tried to develop a set of rules, conduct and desired behavior of a researcher in their reserach domain.

Evolution of Research Ethics

Everyone among us, as researcher wish to remain an ethical researcher and follow the research ethics in our practices. Various organization, professional/academic associations and research promoting bodies have come up with their research code of ethics. But, many of you may be trying to explore that, from where this concept has emerged and why is it so important in all types of researches?

The Singapore Statement on Research Integrity

The Singapore Statement on Research Integrity represents a global consensus on the principles of research integrity. It was developed during the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, held in Singapore in 2010. This statement is significant because it provides a concise, comprehensive set of principles and responsibilities that are critical for guiding research practices around the world.

Key highlights of the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity include:

  1. Honesty: Researchers should be truthful in all aspects of their research, including the proposal and execution of research, and the reporting of results.
  2. Accountability: Researchers are accountable for the integrity of their research and must adhere to professional standards and comply with legal requirements.
  3. Professional Courtesy and Fairness: Researchers should treat their colleagues with respect and fairness.
  4. Good Stewardship of Research: This involves proper management and use of research funds, resources, and the environment.


Fourteen Responsibilities

The Singapore Statement on Research Integrity comprises 14 points, including principles and responsibilities that guide ethical research practices. Here are all the points:

  1. Honesty in all aspects of research: This includes the presentation of research goals, methods, results, the publication status of results, and the dissemination of findings.
  2. Accountability in the conduct of research: Researchers are accountable for the integrity of their work and must comply with the relevant legislative and regulatory frameworks.
  3. Professional courtesy and fairness in working with others: This involves treating colleagues and other research participants with respect and fairness.
  4. Good stewardship of research on behalf of others: Researchers should ensure that research resources are used efficiently and for the intended purpose.
  5. Transparency in declaring conflicts of interest: Researchers must disclose financial and other conflicts of interest that could affect their research.
  6. Protection of research participants: This includes ensuring that the dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of all participants are preserved.
  7. Legality: Researchers must be aware of and adhere to the legal requirements that govern their work.
  8. Protection of the environment: The conduct of research should minimize impacts on the environment.
  9. Appropriate acknowledgment of the work of others: It is necessary to recognize and reference the contributions of others appropriately.
  10. Responsibility for the trustworthiness of research: Researchers and institutions should ensure the reliability of the research record.
  11. Social responsibility: Researchers and research institutions should recognize their responsibilities to society and the communities in which they work.
  12. Non-discrimination: Fair treatment without discrimination is essential in all aspects of research.
  13. Competence: This involves maintaining and improving one’s professional and research skills.
  14. Accountability to funders and sponsors: Researchers and institutions should adhere to the terms and conditions of funding agreements.

These principles and responsibilities are foundational to fostering a culture of integrity and ethical behavior in research across the globe.