What is the difference between a VPN, VPS, and VPC?

A VPN (Virtual Private Network), VPS (Virtual Private Server), and VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) are related terms in the field of networking and computing, but they serve different purposes. Here’s a brief explanation of each: VPN (Virtual Private Network) A VPN is a technology that allows you to create a secure connection over a public network, such as the internet. […]

HorizontalPodAutoscaler Vs VerticalPodAutoscaler

The HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) and VerticalPodAutoscaler (VPA) are both components in Kubernetes that help with automatic scaling of resources, but they operate at different levels. HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA): The HPA is responsible for scaling the number of pod replicas based on CPU utilization or other custom metrics. It adjusts the number of replicas to ensure that the average CPU utilization of the […]

How do direct peering and Dedicated Interconnect differ from each other?

Dedicated Interconnect and VPN (Virtual Private Network) are both networking solutions that serve different purposes. Here’s a comparison between the two: 1. Connectivity and Scope: – Dedicated Interconnect: It provides a dedicated, private, and high-speed connection between an organization’s on-premises infrastructure or data center and a cloud provider’s network. It is typically used for connecting to cloud services, enabling data […]